Sending money is as easy as sending a message.

social web chat

Add Bots to your Discord or Telegram communities and use simple chat commands to send instant Bitcoin payments.

Get connected in 3 easy steps

Download the ZBD App and create an account

You’ll need a ZBD wallet to connect to the bot in your server or group.

Connect your account to the bot

Type /login in a DM, scan the QR code, and confirm the pairing.

Start sending and receiving sats

Once you’re in, use our sample key commands to send and receive sats.

Your ZBD Bot cheat sheet


Pair your ZBD account


Send sats to a single user


Send sats to a whole channel


Send sats to a Lightning address

Add ZBD Bots to your communities

When a Discord or Telegram community has ZBD Bots enabled, you can easily connect your ZBD wallet to send quick tips and payments.

join 3500 communities
curved line
curved line

I use the ZBD Bot every day, and it's pretty much a lifesaver for keeping everyone in the community happy and engaged.

arrow pointing to person who said the comment


Community Manager at Fumb Games

How to install ZBD Bots

Add and authorize a bot

Select a server to add a bot to—but first make sure you have mod rights.

Connect your account to the bot

Your ZBD account is your wallet for sending tips and payments.

Start sending and receiving sats

Once you’re in, use our sample key commands to send and receive sats.


See Bots in action!

Come join us on Discord. Join challenges, get a sneak peek of upcoming games, meet new people, and earn Bitcoin while having fun!